Monday, 17 November 2008

Abort, Retry, Never Fail

I have not updated my blog in a while. My reasons were simple. Too much going on.
I got so enthusiastic of doing different things, I lost touch on my own priorities. I did not go swimming last week as I got my new graphics tablet.

So I took time out over the weekend. I pulled from the music archives some really old hip-hop, rap, garage and new-metal albums. Everything from Missy Elliot, Nas, Puff Daddy, So Solid Crew , Limp Bizkit, Slipknot and listened away.

Why did I like this music? Lol. I think a few years ago I was going through the stage of not knowing what music I liked, so I listened to what ever was in the charts at the time. From there, I moved on to progressive music, Mr Scruff, Rob D, Dillinja, Lemon Jelly, etc.

Oh how the times have changed. I think I will stick with One Republic, Linkin Park, Arctic Monkeys and Snow Patrol for the moment :)

Besides that. I re-addressed what I wanted to do. I dont seem to have enough hours to do everything so i got to manage what I can do better.

1. Play with wife (easy tiger)
2. Maya/Zbrush all the funky modelling stuff
3. Swimming/Football
4. World of Warcraft, other online games.

Cycling. Off the list at the moment till next year. Too cold and I am still doing round-robin to work in the morning. Pool, not sure whether to do it each week or not at the moment.

Did I miss anything off my list? :)